Turkish citizenship through marriage - conditions and required documents

18 Jul
This article will address how to obtain Turkish citizenship through marriage, its terms and procedures, the required documents, and how long it takes to be obtained.
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Turkish citizenship by marriage
Turkish laws provide access to Turkish citizenship through marriage, among the courses established by Turkish law in the acquisition of Turkish citizenship, which is made available in addition to marriage through investment, bank deposit, or other exact determinants. Turkish laws pay close attention to the requirement of marriage and focus on the fact that it is true in order to realize the concepts of a valid marriage.
Marriage to a Turkish man or woman
Marriage to a Turkish man or woman gives the second party the right to apply to Turkish citizenship. This means that marriage to a Turkish citizen is one of the many ways of acquiring Turkish citizenship and does not necessarily give the right to Turkish citizenship directly, This is even linked to certain conditions established by law, and once the conditions have been fulfilled, the foreign applicant must have behavioral evidence linked to good faith. The purpose of marriage is to form a family, not to be based on the abstract interest of being married for the purpose of naturalization. This can be seen in the absence of any action to the contrary, and the foreign husband or wife does not pose a threat to Turkish national security and public security.
Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage
The marriage of a foreigner to a Turkish woman, or a Turkish man to a foreigner, allows the foreign spouse to apply for Turkish citizenship. In accordance with the conditions laid down by Turkish law, the marriage must have been for three years in order to consider the application for Turkish citizenship submitted. In addition to the conditions of achieving marital sustainability, in good faith and good treatment, and for the advance party to be free of any act that endangers and damages Turkish national security.
In the event of the death of the Turkish husband or wife after the submission of the application, the requirement of sustainability is not taken into account, and only the remaining conditions are met.
Documents required for naturalization in Turkey through marriage
Once the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage have been met, the spouses must bring the following documents to apply for citizenship to the foreign spouse:
- The citizenship application form is fully filled
- Copy of the Turkish husband's identity card from both parties
- Documented Turkish translation of the passport or similar document by the notary
- A certified copy of the Turkish translation of the birth certificate of the foreign spouse
- Copy of the marriage certificate
- Photo of the foreign party's newest residence permit
- A document showing that the couple lives in a family environment (such as a lease, bank account)
- Four white background biometric images were taken in the last six months of each person
- If there is a court decision against the foreign party for any criminal reason, it shall produce the document of the decision of the competent court which has so ruled
- Document showing that citizenship service fees have been paid
- A special agency for lawyers to administer the treatment of nationality
- Ratification of all documents issued abroad by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the home country, translation into Turkish and ratification at the Turkish Consulate in the source country
What are the rights of a Turkish citizen?
A Turkish citizen naturalized through marriage shall enjoy all the political, civil, social and economic rights guaranteed by the Turkish Constitution to Turkish citizens. From the right to vote, to stand for election, to hold public office, to work, to own real estate and cars and to move freely within Turkey, and the right to review the personal identity and passport services, to register births and deaths and to review the competent courts of all kinds.
In return for these rights, the naturalized person, through marriage, has duties towards society and the new nation of which he is a national: to respect the Constitution and the various laws, to enforce their provisions and to defend the country.
The acquisition of Turkish citizenship will also open the door for the naturalized to take up only Turkish students' scholarships as a grant (Erasmus) for Turkish students to study at the universities of the European Union countries.
In addition, naturalization grants new rights and gains to the naturalized person and his family, including access to standard health insurance, as well as to the Green card (Yesil Kart) for the entire family in case the children are under the age of 18.
The naturalized also has the right to apply for social and financial aid by applying to the Directorate of Suspension and Social Services, known as the (Sosyal Mudurlugu), in the city where he lives, and to receive social assistance and heating materials for the winter, such as charcoal, after proof of poverty.
The most important privileges obtained by a Turkish national are the right to obtain a Turkish passport directly and to travel like any Turkish citizen outside the country without any prohibition or restriction.
Access to employment by a naturalized person also requires special competitions and interviews in government posts subject to the principles of competition and equal opportunities.
Stages and procedures for obtaining Turkish passports through marriage
The conditions for obtaining a Turkish passport are the same as for obtaining Turkish citizenship. By freely acquiring citizenship through marriage, you can obtain a passport in two days. The Turkish passport is one of the most powerful passports globally, and many of the States requiring Visa grant it on easy terms to the holder of Turkish citizenship; the Turkish passport holder can travel to more than 80 States on the Turkish Republic passport without a visa, or on a visa given directly at the airport.
The procedures for obtaining a Turkish passport are as follows:
- Request for an appointment from the Ministry of the Population Department website.
- Turkish ID.
- Two pictures with a white background.
- A receipt of payment of Turkish passport charges can be made online on the IRS website.
How long does it take to obtain Turkish citizenship through marriage?
The rapid pace of the application for citizenship through marriage is linked to the information provided. The information and documentation provided in the application for citizenship must not be false, even slightly. This would lead the State authorities to doubt that the marriage is a forgery, and could lead to a negative outcome. For example, if the neighbors say that we do not know these people, and the police wrote this in their report, it could have a negative impact on the process of applying for citizenship. This may slow down grants pending re-establishment. If the information is accurate, nationality usually does not take long.
Services of Gars Consulting Company in obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage
For anyone who wishes to acquire Turkish citizenship through marriage, Gars Consulting Company offers its accumulated experience in your hands to make the dream of Turkish citizenship a reality for our generous clients.
Hundreds of files of Turkish citizenship acquired by marriage in the shortest possible time by Gars Consulting Company
Proving the existence of Ottoman origin is one of the ways through which the Turkish law grants the right of obtaining Turkish citizenship, which is issued in a period between six months to one year from the application date after proving the existence of an Ottoman origin or proving affiliation to any Turkish origin whether grandfather, grandmother, father, or mother using any birth certificate document or a military certificate, after that you need to obtain a Turkish government document called (Ottoman Origins Document).
Some foreigners can obtain Turkish citizenship in some exceptional cases, if they do not pose a threat to national security and do not threaten public order, such as:
- Everyone who contributes and is expected to contribute to the effective and fundamental development of industry, technology, economic, social science, art, and sports.
- People who are believed that they must obtain Turkish citizenship.
- People who have been accepted as refugees.
Generally speaking, Turkish citizenship and the Turkish passport can be obtained in several ways, some of which fall under the investment clause, others fall under the clause, in addition to other situations through which the Turkish citizenship can be acquired.
- Obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment according to one of the following items:
- Real estate ownership
- Financial deposit
- Investing in Turkey
- Hiring 50 Turkish citizens.
- Obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage or lineage
- Other situations for obtaining Turkish citizenship
- Residence in Turkey with a 5-years work permit period
- Exceptional nationality which is usually granted to certain people like those with university certificate of who came to Turkey and live in it.
The Turkish passport is one of the strongest passports in the world, and while so many countries require a visa, they grant it for the holders of Turkish citizenship with easy terms. The Turkish passport holder can travel to more than 80 countries with a Turkish passport without a visa, or with a visa issued upon arrival at the airport.
What are the requirements for Turkish citizenship?
The conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship differ based on the different cases that lead to it such as real estate investment, shares investment, employing Turkish employees, etc... but they all have these conditions in common:
- The person must be of one of the nationalities allowed to benefit from the Citizenship Law.
- The person must be an adult.
- The person must adhere to the provisions of the Citizenship Law and its details that fall under it.
- The person must be free of serious infectious diseases.
- The person must have a clean criminal record.
Briefly, applying for Turkish citizenship and the stages of obtaining it are seven stages, but they can be summarized in the following four points:
Submitting the citizenship application request to the competent authority such as the investment office for investors and the Population Department for in case of marrying a Turkish person; after preparing the required documents and papers according to the case (investment, real estate ownership, Turkish origin...).
Then the request is transferred to the Population Department for necessary action.
The study and security research stage.
The decision-making stage.
The conditions for obtaining a Turkish passport and obtaining Turkish citizenship differ according to the different ways that lead to obtaining the citizenship (real estate investment - shares investment - employment Turkish citizens...), and these conditions all have these items in common:
The person is of one of the nationalities allowed to benefit from the nationality law.
The person must be an adult.
Adherence to the provisions of the Nationality Law and the details it falls under them.
The person should have no serious infectious diseases.
Clean criminal record.
According to the decision of granting Turkish citizenship to investors that was issued in 2018, obtaining Turkish citizenship in exchange for a real estate investment worth only $250,000 has become possible, the decision specified buying a property worth $250,000 at least and not selling it for three years; instead of one million US dollars in the previous decision, and according to the real estate ownership law, the owner has the right to apply for Turkish citizenship.
You can also obtain a Turkish passport by:
1.Investing in Turkey with a value of 500 thousand dollars.
2.Depositing $500,000 in a Turkish bank for 3 years.
3.Buying shares of government bonds worth $500,000.
4.Employing 50 Turkish citizens.
5.Turkish citizenship by residence permit for 5 years.
6.Turkish citizenship by marrying a Turkish person.
- Turkish citizenship by proofing Turkish origins.
Right now, the Turkish passport holder can enter the following European countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro, and if Turkey joins the European Union, the option to enter European countries will be available of course.
The Turkish passport is one of the strongest passports in the world, and many of the countries that require visa grant holders of Turkish passport the visa with easy conditions.
The Turkish passport allows its holder to enter more than 43 countries without being required to obtain a visa in advance, including Qatar, Tunisia, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Paraguay, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Northern Cyprus, Ukraine, Uruguay.
The Turkish passport holder can also enter more than 40 countries with a visa issued upon arrival, the most important of which are: Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Sudan, and most African countries, in addition to three countries that issue an electronic visa online, they are Ivory Coast, Jamaica, and Mexico.
In 2020, the Turkish passport was ranked 24th in the world after the Corona pandemic, recording 86 points on the passport index, it allows its holder to enter more than 40 countries without obtaining an entry visa in advance, and holders of Turkish passport can enter more than 40 countries with an entry visa issued upon arrival, and more than three countries grant the Turkish passport holder an electronic entry visa online. It is expected that the Turkish passport will return to its rank after Corona which removed it from its previous position slightly.
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