Insurance in Turkey
Given the importance and complexity of the issue of insurance, and the close association of that with our services in Gars Consulting, our company has launched its new type of insurance services, and in the following lines a glimpse of our services in this area.
Types of insurance in Turkey
Residents in Turkey continue to need health insurance covering their time in Turkey, or other insurance for their vehicles and cars, homes or facilities. As it is known, the operation of certain documents in Turkey is closely related to the receipt of certain specific insurance, such as compulsory health insurance at the time of application for short-term (tourist) residence permit, and other cases, our services in the field of insurance are represented in the following points:
Health insurance in Turkey
Health insurance is divided into two main types:
- Foreign health insurance: it is a type of annual insurance required when applying for residence in Turkey or renewal, the value of which varies depending on the applicant's age group.
- Supplementary health insurance: it is special medical insurance for Turkish citizens and foreigners affiliated with the SGK Social Security Programme. It covers treatment matters in public and private hospitals and medical centers, as well as medicines from pharmacies, with deductions ranging from 40 to 100%.
- Comprehensive health insurance: it is a type of comprehensive insurance with a wide range of treatment options, with full or almost full discounts.
The value and fees of this insurance vary according to the beneficiary's age group, its value increases for older persons, it has many determinants, and its various offers usually vary according to the type of insurance and the health status of the owner.
Gars Consulting Company provides all health insurance services at reasonable prices for everyone within a wide range of services, in cooperation with the best hospitals and treatment centers in the country.
Travel insurance in Turkey
Travel insurance or visa insurance: it a type of insurance that many embassies and consulates are required to apply for a travel visa.
This insurance usually covers many therapeutic aspects, and embassy requirements sometimes vary in controls from embassy to embassy, such as: Costs of treatment and transportation for the patient, or transport in the event of death. Following the emergence and spread of the Covid 19 pandemic, many embassies require that this insurance also cover the treatment of Coronavirus disease as well.
Gars Consulting Company provides all regularly approved travel insurance in all embassies operating in Turkey, at the best price and within a few minutes.
Car insurance in Turkey
The cost of this type of insurance varies depending on the type, price, date of manufacture and certain other specifications, and covers the different types of damage:
- As insurance for accidents against third parties in compulsory insurance.
- Comprehensive insurance against theft, fire, natural disasters or physical damage to the driver and passengers, until the vehicle is maintained or towed off the roads during the malfunctions...etc.
In this context, Gars Consulting Company provides adequate services in the field of car insurance, at the best prices, with a wide range of services related to vehicles.
Home insurance in Turkey
For those who wish to insure their real estate property and houses on Turkish territory, Gars Consulting Company provides its extensive home insurance services through comprehensive fire and earthquake insurance policies, theft, flooding, personal property insurance and neighborhood liability.
Gars Consulting Company ensures that its clients have access to the best prices and the best services in all areas of home, villas, building and real estate of all kinds.
Insurance for commercial facilities
The services of Gars Consulting Company include insurance of commercial facilities, shops, workshops, laboratories, and offices of all kinds.
Such insurance shall be determined in accordance with safety requirements and within a wide spectrum of damage that we fully cover, or in accordance with the agreement provided for.
Goods insurance during transportation
Insurance services during the carriage of goods and freight are one of the most important services provided by Gars Consulting Company, through which the damage incurred during the shipment process is insured under specified safety conditions.
Our services cover loss or damage caused by the loss or damage to the goods, from the moment the goods leave the source until they reach the intended destination.
Contractors' all risks insurance
Our services also include a service to secure the notification of contractors during their business at the facilities.
This service includes insurance for material damage or bodily injury on the job, and many damages, including compensation for damage to machinery failure and so.
Earthquake insurance in Turkey
The so-called DASK insurance, which includes damage to post-earthquake construction, is mandatory insurance in Turkey, covers a wide range of damage in case of earthquake and building damage. It usually includes: the cost of lifting the rubble, loss of profits, disruption of work or rent, expenses of the house or alternative place of work, and the material liability that the owner of the house may bear as a result of the damage, all damage to goods, furniture, baggage, etc.
Insurance benefits and features in Turkey
As mentioned above, insurance in Turkey is usually divided into two parts: mandatory insurance, non-mandatory insurance.
In the types of compulsory insurance, insurance services are indispensable for the completion of your transactions and procedures.
Non-mandatory insurance is determined by the quality, reliability and quality of the service provider.
Insurance costs in Turkey
Insurance prices typically vary from company to company, as well as depending on the types and coverage of insurance, and a consulting implant has taken it upon itself to provide the best-priced service.
For those who wish to see our offers and our adequate insurance and consulting services, they can communicate with us through one of the means of communication described, so that you can find our working group fully prepared to serve you.
Contact us for more information