Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares, terms and required documents

06 Mar
n this article, we will talk about how to acquire Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares, what the conditions and procedures are, the required documents, and how long they are required to obtain them.
- Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares
- How does Gars Consulting Company help you acquire Turkish citizenship by buying shares?
Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares
There is a variety of investment methods through which Turkish citizenship can be obtained, such as cash deposits, or employment insurance for 50 Turks. Or by buying government bonds, or by buying shares or what's known as investing in a Turkish company for at least $500,000 as a fixed equity capital investment. The investor is entitled to apply for Turkish citizenship, which requires a certain period of time for the authorities to ascertain the validity of the investment made by the foreigner, as well as certain important procedures and documents.
Obtaining a Turkish passport by buying shares
After obtaining citizenship by buying shares, you can easily obtain a Turkish passport, through very easy procedures in souls, through prints and personal photos. A day later, the passport arrives at your door; the Turkish passport is also a universally powerful passport, and many States requiring Visa grant it on easy terms to Turkish nationals. The Turkish passport holder can travel to many countries of the world on a Turkish Republic passport without a visa, or on a visa given directly at the airport.
The procedures for obtaining a Turkish passport are as follows:
- Request for an appointment from the Population Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Turkish ID.
- A picture with a white background.
- A receipt stating the payment of the Turkish passport expenses can be made online on the IRS website.
The Turkish passport is granted at the citizen's request for six months, one year, two years, three years, or ten years, and the fees vary depending on the duration.
Read more: Obtaining Turkish Citizenship By Purchasing A Property
Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares
Turkish citizenship may be obtained through investment in Turkey on the stock market or the purchase of shares in a Turkish company; For a minimum of $500,000, the amount was previously $2 million.
It is also a condition for obtaining Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares that your investment be approved by the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology.
The period is also three years, and only investments made after 19 September 2018 will be accepted.
Fixed capital investment often means one of two things: Either establish a company in Turkey or buy shares in a Turkish company. If the amount of fixed capital paid to a newly incorporated company by a foreign investor, or the shares held by the investor in another company are a minimum of $500,000; that would open the way to applying for Turkish citizenship.
The stages of obtaining Turkish citizenship through the purchase of shares
The only thing an investor has to do is provide:
- Official documents proving the size of his share.
- Value assessment report by an accredited accountant in Turkey.
- The document that explains the transfer of funds for capital investment.
After the request has been completed; The veracity of his data and the physical existence of the documents and the company concerned are verified by the relevant ministry, and the applications are successful only after the confirmation.
Does who obtained citizenship through the purchase of Turkish shares grant Turkish citizenship to their family?
Members of the foreign investor's basic family or so-called "nuclear family" are granted the right to Turkish citizenship with the investor, the only exception being the children of the investor over the age of 18.
How long does it take to obtain Turkish citizenship by buying shares?
The duration of the application for citizenship through the purchase of shares is linked to the validity and accuracy of the information provided, since if the information is accurate, nationality usually does not take long, up to two months from the date of application.
What are the documents needed to obtain Turkish citizenship by buying shares?
Foreigners applying for citizenship on the basis of the purchase of shares must submit the following documents:
- The application for Turkish citizenship is signed by the applicant.
- The investment bond is fully filled.
- A copy of the passport information containing the personal information.
- Confirming the commercial register, which supports the amount of the personal budget with the quality of the partnership.
- A special report showing the amount of the budget with the support of the sworn Financial Adviser.
- With the same report of the sworn financial adviser, the instrument proving the purchase of shares in the amount of US $500,000 is issued.
How does Gars Consulting Company help you acquire Turkish citizenship by buying shares?
For anyone who wishes to acquire Turkish citizenship by buying shares, Gars Consulting Company offers its accumulated experience to make the dream of Turkish citizenship a reality for our generous clients.
Edited by Gars Consulting Company
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Proving the existence of Ottoman origin is one of the ways through which the Turkish law grants the right of obtaining Turkish citizenship, which is issued in a period between six months to one year from the application date after proving the existence of an Ottoman origin or proving affiliation to any Turkish origin whether grandfather, grandmother, father, or mother using any birth certificate document or a military certificate, after that you need to obtain a Turkish government document called (Ottoman Origins Document).
Some foreigners can obtain Turkish citizenship in some exceptional cases, if they do not pose a threat to national security and do not threaten public order, such as:
- Everyone who contributes and is expected to contribute to the effective and fundamental development of industry, technology, economic, social science, art, and sports.
- People who are believed that they must obtain Turkish citizenship.
- People who have been accepted as refugees.
Generally speaking, Turkish citizenship and the Turkish passport can be obtained in several ways, some of which fall under the investment clause, others fall under the clause, in addition to other situations through which the Turkish citizenship can be acquired.
- Obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment according to one of the following items:
- Real estate ownership
- Financial deposit
- Investing in Turkey
- Hiring 50 Turkish citizens.
- Obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage or lineage
- Other situations for obtaining Turkish citizenship
- Residence in Turkey with a 5-years work permit period
- Exceptional nationality which is usually granted to certain people like those with university certificate of who came to Turkey and live in it.
The Turkish passport is one of the strongest passports in the world, and while so many countries require a visa, they grant it for the holders of Turkish citizenship with easy terms. The Turkish passport holder can travel to more than 80 countries with a Turkish passport without a visa, or with a visa issued upon arrival at the airport.
What are the requirements for Turkish citizenship?
The conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship differ based on the different cases that lead to it such as real estate investment, shares investment, employing Turkish employees, etc... but they all have these conditions in common:
- The person must be of one of the nationalities allowed to benefit from the Citizenship Law.
- The person must be an adult.
- The person must adhere to the provisions of the Citizenship Law and its details that fall under it.
- The person must be free of serious infectious diseases.
- The person must have a clean criminal record.
Briefly, applying for Turkish citizenship and the stages of obtaining it are seven stages, but they can be summarized in the following four points:
Submitting the citizenship application request to the competent authority such as the investment office for investors and the Population Department for in case of marrying a Turkish person; after preparing the required documents and papers according to the case (investment, real estate ownership, Turkish origin...).
Then the request is transferred to the Population Department for necessary action.
The study and security research stage.
The decision-making stage.
The conditions for obtaining a Turkish passport and obtaining Turkish citizenship differ according to the different ways that lead to obtaining the citizenship (real estate investment - shares investment - employment Turkish citizens...), and these conditions all have these items in common:
The person is of one of the nationalities allowed to benefit from the nationality law.
The person must be an adult.
Adherence to the provisions of the Nationality Law and the details it falls under them.
The person should have no serious infectious diseases.
Clean criminal record.
According to the decision of granting Turkish citizenship to investors that was issued in 2018, obtaining Turkish citizenship in exchange for a real estate investment worth only $250,000 has become possible, the decision specified buying a property worth $250,000 at least and not selling it for three years; instead of one million US dollars in the previous decision, and according to the real estate ownership law, the owner has the right to apply for Turkish citizenship.
You can also obtain a Turkish passport by:
1.Investing in Turkey with a value of 500 thousand dollars.
2.Depositing $500,000 in a Turkish bank for 3 years.
3.Buying shares of government bonds worth $500,000.
4.Employing 50 Turkish citizens.
5.Turkish citizenship by residence permit for 5 years.
6.Turkish citizenship by marrying a Turkish person.
- Turkish citizenship by proofing Turkish origins.
Right now, the Turkish passport holder can enter the following European countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro, and if Turkey joins the European Union, the option to enter European countries will be available of course.
The Turkish passport is one of the strongest passports in the world, and many of the countries that require visa grant holders of Turkish passport the visa with easy conditions.
The Turkish passport allows its holder to enter more than 43 countries without being required to obtain a visa in advance, including Qatar, Tunisia, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Paraguay, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Northern Cyprus, Ukraine, Uruguay.
The Turkish passport holder can also enter more than 40 countries with a visa issued upon arrival, the most important of which are: Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Sudan, and most African countries, in addition to three countries that issue an electronic visa online, they are Ivory Coast, Jamaica, and Mexico.
In 2020, the Turkish passport was ranked 24th in the world after the Corona pandemic, recording 86 points on the passport index, it allows its holder to enter more than 40 countries without obtaining an entry visa in advance, and holders of Turkish passport can enter more than 40 countries with an entry visa issued upon arrival, and more than three countries grant the Turkish passport holder an electronic entry visa online. It is expected that the Turkish passport will return to its rank after Corona which removed it from its previous position slightly.
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