Advantages and conditions of humanitarian residence permit in Turkey

16 Aug
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What's a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey?
According to the Government's assessment of the situation of refugees in Turkey, this type of residence permit is granted to refugees in Turkey. Humanitarian residence permit in Turkey is granted as a right of protection to those who have lost their ability to remain in their homeland for specific reasons by the United Nations. Following the 1951 Geneva Convention, signed by several States, the Convention was ratified by thirty-one hundred States. Turkey is committed to applying the provisions of the Convention, as it is one of the signatories to the Convention.
Conditions for a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey
The 1951 Geneva Convention sets out a set of conditions for obtaining humanitarian residence, either for the purpose of family reunification with one of its members in Turkey, the desire to reside must be expressed with this person, depending on the degree of kinships, such as husband or wife, children or ordinary relatives. The person requesting protection must be ill with one of the chronic life-threatening diseases and there is no cure for the disease except in Turkey. It’s also granted if a person is threatened with no protection within their home country due to the ongoing wars, with their absolute refusal to participate because they cannot kill a human being, in addition to the fear of being tortured or killed, whether he or a family member. The refugee is also present outside his or her country's borders, which helps them to apply for humanitarian residence at Turkish airports or an asylum center deployed in Turkey.
Residence permit also includes such cases:
- The child, if receiving it is in his or her best interest.
- It can be obtained by foreigners who have been sentenced to deportation outside Turkey's borders, or denied entry into Turkey, and it turns out that their exit from Turkey is not possible.
- Foreigners who are not subject to an expulsion decision outside Turkey's borders even if they meet the conditions for expulsion under article 55 of the Foreigners and International Protection Act:
- A foreigner who proves that he/she will be subjected to torture in the State to which he or she is to be removed, or in which he is sentenced to death, or any inhuman practice that awaits them.
- Foreigners whose life is seriously threatened due to age, specific health status, or a woman's pregnancy.
- People who receive some support, because they are victims of human trafficking.
- Foreigners who have been subjected to psychological, physical, or sexual violence, until the stages of their treatment are complete.
Advantages of humanitarian residence permit in Turkey
The right to work is granted to many segments, including students, as well as doctors, they are also entitled to obtain work permits.
Access to electricity, gas, and water subscriptions is provided on behalf of the right to human protection.
The human residence permit holder may open an account in all banks in Turkey.
The right to be treated in Turkish government hospitals at relative annual fees.
The holder can get some humanitarian assistance.
The possibility of travel within the Turkish border, travel outside the Turkish border within the first six months will drop the humanitarian stay they have received, and if they travel to the home country, the humanitarian stay will be revoked once the country's seal is seen in the passport.
Access to the children’s right to education in public schools

Humanitarian residence permit defects in Turkey
The right to a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey, like any other type of residence, has no associated defects but may be revoked by the State Command and with the approval of the Ministry once the conditions for granting a humanitarian residence permit have been removed, and the holders of a humanitarian residence permit may apply for conversion to any kind of residence other than a long-term residence.
Stages and method of acquiring humanitarian residence permit in Turkey
If the applicant is required to apply to the Immigration Service of the State in which he or she resides, he or she shall submit the documents set out below, and within a period of two to four months, he or she may inquire from the employee to whom the request was made directly. The residence permit is delivered by official mail and issued for a renewable period of one year. In the event that six months have not been spent after the refusal of a residence permit (tourist) and humanitarian residence permit has been approved, the person is not required to pay a new fee as it has been paid in advance.
A foreigner with a humanitarian residence permit is required to register his or her address on the address system for a maximum period of 20 working days from the date on which he or she is granted a residence permit, and the holders of a humanitarian residence permit may apply to transfer their residence to any type of residence (other than long-term residence) if they meet the necessary conditions for obtaining the required residence permit.
How to reserve a date for a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey 2020
If you wish to obtain a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey, you should go to one of the immigration offices and then move to the section on a humanitarian residence, which includes a number of people who speak foreign languages, including Arabic.
Humanitarian residence permit documents in Turkey
The application for a humanitarian residence permit requires certain documents after the applicant has shown the reason for his or her application, such as serious risk to their life or other reasons for their travel. The first document is that the applicant should prepare a medical report or any justification for the inability to travel outside Turkey. He or she must then fill out a document requesting such residence and produce a passport - except for Syrians - a visa, a lease, translated birth certificates for children, six personal photographs, and no medical insurance is required.
Costs of humanitarian residence permit in Turkey
The applicant for a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey is exempt from registration fees and requires only to go to the immigration services in the Turkish states where the applicant resides and submit them with the necessary documents.
Duration of receipt of humanitarian residence in Turkey
A humanitarian residence permit in Turkey can be obtained through an application to the Department of Immigration, and residence is granted within a minimum of one month and a maximum of four months.
Information on humanitarian residence permit in Turkey
The application for humanitarian residence is available in all states, and a person can apply for it at the Immigration Service of his or her State, await approval of his or her application or refusal, and can be informed about it by visiting the Immigration Service Center where he or she applied for a humanitarian residence permit.
How to renew a humanitarian residence permit in Turkey?
A humanitarian residence permit was granted for one year and then renewed, but the new resolution allows for two years, and as a short-term residence, it can be renovated through the Turkish residence site.
Edited by Gars Consulting Company
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